Feature: We Roll With It

Kate Field is VanLife. You might find it difficult to connect photography, graphic design, and image retouching with van building, but Kate is the missing link! She's done it all. Once you settle into getting to know Kate and We Roll With It, it all makes perfect sense. This is a creative mind with an eye for making things beautiful. And vanlife is super cool, with lots of potential to see and make beautiful things for yourself and others! As proven by a trip through her We Roll With It YouTube channel, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Read a bit more to get a brief idea of who Kate Field is and what We Roll With It is all about.
Where are you right now? How did you get here?
I am in Maroubra Sydney, I live here and run my van business ‘Adventure Rigs Australia’ I also do a lot of travels with my own van known online as @werollwithit.
Tell us about yourself. Why’d you choose your lifestyle? How long have you been at it?
I’ve always travelled a lot, I’ve seen many countries and done a lot of trekking. As for vanlife I lived full time in 3 different Sprinter vans in the USA for 3 years.
Tell us about a recent trip in your rig?
The last trip I took was to Bells Beach to watch the WSL. I took a van I built for a customer so that I could test that everything was working properly. This van is now with its new owner who is planning to do the ‘big lap’ around Australia.
How did you learn about SEEKR? What product(s) of ours do you have onboard? How’s it working out for you?
I first found a SEEKR Sirocco fan at West Marine and have since put these fans in all of my personal and clients vans. They are perfect for vans with a low power draw and very quiet so you can use them all night.
What’s next on your adventure checklist? Any plans for the near future? Distant future?
Next up is a trip to Brazil so unfortunately the van will be staying at home for that one. But after that there are some plans to head out to Perth which will be a longer trip in Australia.