Vacationer Caravans Levels Up the Caravan Game and Sirocco II is Onboard!

Vacationer Caravans, since its inception, has been steadily becoming the caravan customers look for when they want to take their caravanning game to the next level.
However, if you’re in the market for a caravan, be prepared to get in line. The demand for Vacationer Caravans is ever-growing, and you best hurry to a dealer to get your hands on one. But what makes them so unique? Matthew Simpson, owner of Vacationer Caravans, says the secret is in the details.
For starters, Vacationer Caravans come standard with two Sirocco II fans, a fan so good that they refuse to use anything else. Vacationer Caravans pride themselves on the quality of their premium aluminium frame off-road caravans. Every component is carefully selected and tested to ensure that it meets high quality and aesthetic standards. This attention to detail has put Vacationer in a strong market position and helped them move up the ranks and become a premium brand.
Of course, if there’s a country known for its high-end caravanning culture, Australia is it. But as the culture grows, there’s only more room for competition, and Vacationer Caravans continue to stand out for its incredible builds, innovative approach, and an exceptional lineup of models.
Want to see one of their most popular models close up? Check out this clip from the Caravan Industry News featured in the Victoria Caravan Camping and Touring show.
As if we needed more reason to love them, an aspect that sets Vacationer Caravans apart is their commitment to stressing the point that Sirocco fans are the best on the market. By including these fans in their caravans, Matthew upholds the belief that Sirocco fans are unmatched by any imitative brand since only the finest products are used in the construction of Vacationer Caravans. They even go so far as to test every component in their vans to ensure they meet their high standards, and Sirocco II fans make the cut.
But it's not just about the fans. Vacationer Caravans are known for using high-end products in their premium lineup of Caravans and are well known for their attention to detail and stunning interiors. They are proud of their reputation for being the best and always look for ways to improve.
If you’re planning to attend a caravan show this year, be on the lookout for Vacationer Caravans – they’ve got 47 appearances marked on their calendar!
For all your Vacationer Caravans news, be sure to head to their website and give them a follow on Instagram and Facebook!
Happy off-roading!
Click for a list of stockists near you or ask for Sirocco II's to be installed in your next caravan build.