Ecofan Technology
How it Works
Ecofans use thermoelectric technology to convert a temperature difference into electricity. The base of the Ecofan collects heat from the top of the wood stove, while the fins at the top of the Ecofan, or heat sink, maintain a cool temperature by drawing in cooler air from behind your stove.
Thermoelectric Technology
At the centre of an Ecofan is a unique thermoelectric module. The patented Ecofan design creates a hot side and cold side on the module. When this happens, a principle called the ‘Seebeck Effect’ causes electrons to flow, creating electricity to power your Ecofan and warm your room faster!
Heat displacement WITHOUT an Ecofan
Without an Ecofan, the heat produced by your stove collects around the stove and escapes up to the ceiling.
Heat displacement WITH an Ecofan
With an Ecofan, the warm air is circulated further into your living space to warm up a chilly room more quickly.